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Jacques Abbadie

(b. 1654, Nay, Bearn, France – d. Sept. 25, 1727, Marylebone, London )

Gender: M

Jacques Abbadie (c1654-1727) was a French Huguenot pastor who took refuge in England after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. He was appointed minister of the French Reformed Church in England in 1689, and ten years later King William III obtained for him the position of Dean of Killaloe in Ireland. He was a prolific writer, his best-known work being the Traîté de la Vérité de la Religion Chrétienne (Rotterdam, 1689), which was praised by Elizabeth Carter in her letter to Montagu of 31 October 1775.

Also known as:

  • Jacques Abbadie

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