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Charles Alexandre de Calonne

(b. Oct. 20, 1734, Douai, Nord, France – d. Oct. 30, 1802, Paris, Île-de-France, France )

Gender: M

Charles Alexandre de Calonne was appointed Controller-General of Finances in November 1783, by King Louis XVI of France. He found the royal treasury heavily in debt as a result of France’s involvement in the American Revolutionary War, and attempted to remedy the crisis by an ambitious plan to raise revenue and centralise the administration. His central proposal was a land tax that would fall on the aristocracy, who were otherwise exempt from tax; they unsurprisingly resisted this and his plan failed. He was blamed for the financial crisis, dismissed and exiled to Lorraine. He left for England, where he published a defence of his conduct, and spent most of the rest of his life.

Also known as:

  • Charles Alexandre de Calonne

Mentioned in 1 letters

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