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Emily D'Arcy

(b. Oct. 12, 1754, London, England – d. Jan. 26, 1784, London, England )

Gender: F

Amelia (“Emily”) Darcy (1754-1784) was the daughter of Robert Darcy, 4th Earl of Holderness (1718-1778), who before 1721 was styled Lord Darcy and Conyers, and his wife Mary Doublet. They had three children, but Amelia was the only one to survive infancy. She married Francis Osborne, Marquess of Carmarthen, and they had three children, but divorced in 1779. She then married John Byron (known as “mad Jack”), the father of Lord Byron, and they had one daughter, Augusta. August married her cousin George Leigh, and they had seven children; she is infamous for her an incestuous affair with her half-brother which led to the birth of their daughter Medora. Amelia became Baroness Conyers on the death of her father, and also inherited from him the Portuguese countship of Mertola.

Also known as:

  • Emily D'Arcy

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