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Elizabeth Burrell

(b. April 20, 1757, England – d. Jan. 17, 1837, London, England )

Gender: F

Elizabeth Ann Burrell (1757-1837) married Douglas Hamilton, 8th Duke of Hamilton, on 5 April 1778. In a letter to Mary Richardson Robinson of 12 January 1778, Sarah Scott described how the Duke of Hamilton had ‘exercised himself with shooting across Hanover Square out of a wind Gun, to the utter dismay of old Lady Westmoreland & Sir Thomas Frederick, a bullet whistled by the ear of the latter as he sat in his dining room, & lodged in the wainscot’. Hamilton then proceeded to shoot dead Sir Thomas’s favourite dog. [Nicole Pohl (ed), The Letters of Sarah Scott, 2 vols (London &New York: Routledge, 2016), vol 1, p. 145]. Hamilton continued to live a dissipated life, and his wife divorced him after 16 years of marriage.

Mentioned in 2 letters

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