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General Harry Pulteney

(b. Feb. 14, 1686, Misterton, Leicestershire – d. Oct. 26, 1767, Bath House, Mayfair, London )

Gender: M

Harry Pulteney (1686-1767) was the younger brother of William Pulteney, Earl of Bath. He was MP for Hedon from 1722-1734 and 1739-1741, taking the second seat for the constituency that was in his brother’s gift. He served as a Colonel in the British army at the battles of Dettingen and Fontenoy, and during the Jacobite Rebellion at Falkirk and Culloden. He was promoted to General in 1765. On his brother’s death in 1764, he inherited his vast fortune, but he himself died on 16th October 1767. The bulk of the fortune then passed to Frances Pulteney, daughter of his brother Daniel Pulteney; Elizabeth Montagu and Elizabeth Carter were credited with persuading General Pulteney to leave the estate to Frances rather to some distant male relative.

Also known as:

  • Harry Pulteney

Mentioned in 3 letters

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