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Mary West

(b. 1704, Cricket St Thomas, Somerset – d. Sept. 12, 1786, United Kingdom )

Gender: F

Mary (Molly) West (c.1704–1786), daughter of Richard West, prebendary of Winchester. In 1761 she married Alexander Hood (1726–1814), later Viscount Bridport, a naval officer and politician on 21 August 1758. Mary’s mother was Maria, daughter of Sir Richard Temple, connected to the Lyttelton and Grenville families. Lord Lyttelton gave away the bride. Mary was twenty years older than Hood, but the match proved a happy one and his genuine tenderness to this 'glorious girl' was touching’, ODNB. She was the sister of Gilbert West.

Also known as:

  • Mary West
  • Molly West

Mentioned in 10 letters

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