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Correspondents are referred to by their 'standard name' within the edition. This is the name by which they are most well known and cited most frequently within the correspondence.

 You can also view correspondents by apparent gender orientation

There are 107 correspondents

Correspondent Name Dates


Agatha Drummond
b. May 27, 1711 – d. June 18, 1795
Amabel Yorke Hume-Campbell b. Jan. 22, 1751 – d. March 4, 1833
Ann Dillingham Ord b. 1726 – d. 1808
Anne Donnellan b. 1702 – d. 1762
Anne Jesse Cholmley b. Feb. 28, 1747 – d. Feb. 11, 1812
Anne Pitt b. Oct. 27, 1712 – d. Feb. 9, 1781


Barbara Montagu
b. 1722 – d. Aug. 19, 1765
Benjamin Stillingfleet b. 1702 – d. Dec. 15, 1771


Caroline Scott Best
b. 1717 – d. April 29, 1782
Catharina Lydia Brydges, Duchess of Chandos b. Oct. 20, 1693 – d. Nov. 17, 1750
Catherine Bartlett West b. 1710 – d. 1757
Charles Lyttelton, Bishop of Carlisle b. 1714 – d. Dec. 22, 1768
Charles Robinson b. March 9, 1731 – d. March 31, 1807


David Garrick
b. Feb. 19, 1717 – d. Jan. 20, 1779
Dorothea Gregory b. June 4, 1754 – d. July 7, 1830


Edmund Burke
b. Jan. 1, 1729 – d. July 9, 1797
Edward Bridgen b. 1720 – d. July 28, 1787
Edward Jerningham b. 1737 – d. Nov. 17, 1812
Edward Montagu b. 1692 – d. May 12, 1775
Eliza Berkeley b. 1734 – d. 1800
Elizabeth Boscawen Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort b. May 28, 1747 – d. June 15, 1828
Elizabeth Carter b. Dec. 16, 1717 – d. Feb. 19, 1806
Elizabeth Charlton b. 1766 – d. May 7, 1817
Elizabeth Drake Robinson b. April 25, 1693 – d. May 1, 1746
Elizabeth Harcourt, Countess Harcourt b. 1746 – d. Jan. 25, 1826
Elizabeth Vesey b. 1715 – d. 1791
Eva Maria Garrick b. June 22, 1749 – d. Oct. 16, 1822


Frances Boscawen
b. July 23, 1719 – d. Feb. 26, 1805
Frances Burney D'Arblay b. June 13, 1752 – d. Jan. 6, 1840
Frances Pulteney b. 1728 – d. 1782
Frances Reynolds b. May 10, 1729 – d. Nov. 1, 1807


George Colman the Elder
b. 1732 – d. Aug. 14, 1794
George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton b. Jan. 17, 1709 – d. Aug. 22, 1773
George Macartney, 1st Earl Macartney b. May 3, 1737 – d. March 31, 1806
George Simon Harcourt, 2nd Earl Harcourt b. Aug. 1, 1736 – d. April 20, 1809
George Wilson b. Unknown – d. 0000
Gilbert West b. 1703 – d. March 26, 1756
Grace Freind Campbell b. 1748 – d. 1809
Grace Robinson Freind b. Jan. 5, 1718 – d. Dec. 26, 1776


Hannah More
b. Feb. 2, 1745 – d. Sept. 7, 1833
Hans Moritz von Brühl b. Dec. 20, 1736 – d. June 9, 1809
Henry Home, Lord Kames b. 1696 – d. Dec. 27, 1782
Hester Thrale Piozzi b. Jan. 27, 1745 – d. May 2, 1821
Horace Walpole b. Sept. 24, 1717 – d. March 2, 1797
Hugh Blair b. April 7, 1718 – d. Dec. 27, 1800


James Beattie
b. Oct. 24, 1735 – d. Aug. 18, 1803
James Harris b. July 24, 1709 – d. Dec. 22, 1780
James Jonstone, 3rd Baronet b. April 14, 1730 – d. Sept. 19, 1783
James Pettit Andrews b. 1737 – d. Aug. 6, 1797
Jane Greenland Robinson b. April 28, 1727 – d. 1810
Jane Macartney b. 1742 – d. Feb. 28, 1828
Jane Smelt b. 1720 – d. Jan. 23, 1790
Jemima Campbell Yorke, Marchioness Grey b. Oct. 10, 1723 – d. Jan. 11, 1797
John Achard b. 1721 – d. 1770
John Burrows b. 1733 – d. 1786
John Burrows jr b. May 7, 1767 – d. 1817
John Dickenson b. 1757 – d. 1842
John Douglas b. July 14, 1721 – d. May 18, 1807
John Gregory b. June 3, 1724 – d. Feb. 9, 1773
John Stoole
John Wright b. Unknown – d. 0000
Joseph Emin b. 1726 – d. Aug. 2, 1809
Joshua Reynolds b. July 16, 1723 – d. Feb. 23, 1792


Leonard Smelt
b. 1725 – d. Sept. 2, 1800
Lucy Fortescue Annesley b. Unknown – d. 0000
Lydia de Medalle b. Dec. 1, 1747 – d. 1783


Margaret Cavendish Bentinck, Duchess of Portland
b. Feb. 11, 1715 – d. July 17, 1785
Mary Anstey b. 1717 – d. 1756
Mary Catherine Knollys, Viscountess Wallingford b. 1711 – d. Oct. 14, 1790
Mary Hamilton b. 1756 – d. May 25, 1816
Mary Richardson Robinson b. 1726 – d. April 8, 1789
Matthew Boulton b. Sept. 14, 1728 – d. Aug. 17, 1809
Matthew Montagu b. Nov. 23, 1762 – d. Sept. 1, 1831
Matthew Robinson b. 1694 – d. Oct. 2, 1778
Matthew Robinson Morris b. April 6, 1713 – d. Nov. 30, 1800
Messenger Monsey b. 1694 – d. Dec. 26, 1788
Miss Cadogan
Miss Locker
Morris Robinson sr b. 1715 – d. Oct. 17, 1777
Mrs Bacon
Mrs Cholmely b. Unknown – d. 0000
Mrs Kennet b. Unknown – d. 0000
Mrs Newenham b. Unknown – d. 0000


Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl Hardwicke
b. Dec. 9, 1720 – d. May 16, 1790
Pierre Francois Le Courayer b. Nov. 17, 1681 – d. Oct. 17, 1776


Richard Watson
b. 1737 – d. July 4, 1816
Robert Murray Keith, jnr b. Sept. 20, 1730 – d. June 22, 1795


Sarah Robinson Hougham
b. 1759 – d. Jan. 17, 1839
Sarah Robinson Scott b. Sept. 21, 1720 – d. Nov. 3, 1795
Sarah Robinson Truman b. 1763 – d. 1834
Sarah Sloane Stanley b. 1692 – d. March 1, 1764
Sir Culling Smith, 1st Baronet b. 1731 – d. 1812


Thomas Bellamy
b. 1745 – d. 1800
Thomas Cadell b. Nov. 12, 1742 – d. Nov. 26, 1836
Thomas Lyttelton, 2nd Baron Lyttelton b. Jan. 30, 1744 – d. Nov. 29, 1779
Thomas Percy b. April 13, 1729 – d. Sept. 30, 1811
Thomas Shaw b. 1694 – d. 1751


William Bentinck, 2nd Duke of Portland b. March 1, 1709 – d. May 1, 1762
William Freind b. March 7, 1715 – d. Nov. 26, 1766
William Henry Lyttelton, Lord Westcote b. Dec. 24, 1724 – d. Sept. 14, 1808
William Pitt the Elder, 1st Earl of Chatham b. Nov. 15, 1708 – d. May 11, 1778
William Pulteney, Earl of Bath b. March 22, 1684 – d. July 7, 1764
William Robertson b. Sept. 8, 1721 – d. June 11, 1793
William Robinson, Rev b. 1727 – d. Dec. 8, 1803
William Sotheby b. Nov. 9, 1757 – d. Dec. 30, 1833
William Weller Pepys b. Jan. 11, 1740 – d. June 2, 1825

Please note that all dates and location information are provisional, initially taken from the library and archive catalogues. As our section editors continue to work through the material we will update our database and the changes will be reflected across the edition.

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