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Anne Courtenay, Lady Cork

(b. 1741, Painsford House, Ashprington, Devon – d. Dec. 11, 1785, Queen Street, Mayfair, London )

Gender: F

Anne Courtenay (1741-1785), was accused in 1761 by her husband Edmund Boyle, 7th Earl of Cork and Orrery (by whom she had six children), of adultery with a musician at their house in Queen Street, off Berkeley Square, London. He brought a case for divorce, but the prosecution witnesses were discredited, her servants gave evidence in her support, and she was acquitted. The case caused a public scandal and the transcript was published as a pamphlet (Dublin, S. Colbert, 1784).

Also known as:

  • Lady Cork
  • Anne Courtenay

Mentioned in 2 letters

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