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Louise Felicite de Keralio

(b. Jan. 19, 1757, Valence, Drome, France – d. Dec. 31, 1821, Brussels, Belgium )

Gender: F

Louise-Félicité de Kéralio (1756-1822) was a French writer, historian and translator. From 1786-1789 she edited a fourteen-volume collection of French works written by women, but left it incomplete. In 1787 she published Histoire d’Élisabeth, reine d’Angleterre, a biography of Elizabeth I. In 1790 she married Pierre-François-Joseph Robert, secretary to Georges Danton. She and her husband were active supporters of the French Revolution, and went into exile in Brussels on the Restoration of Louis XVIII.

Also known as:

  • Louise Felicite Keralio (née  de)

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