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Susan Woodhouse

(b. 1744, United Kingdom – d. Oct. 20, 1797, United Kingdom )

Gender: F

Susan White was taken into Elizabeth Montagu’s service as a lady’s maid, but at the age of 17 she fell pregnant and was sent away to Deal, where she was put under the supervision of Elizabeth Carter and her friend Hannah Underwood. Montagu continued to be interested in the girl, blaming herself for having failed to prevent her seduction, and later took her back into her service. She tried to arrange her marriage in 1767 to John Allinson, probably the nephew of Ralph Allinson, her viewer in Newcastle, but this failed because his father would not give him any money. She married Joseph Woodhouse, one of Montagu’s northern stewards, on 15th May 1771 and had three children.

Also known as:

  • Susan White
  • Mrs Woodhouse

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