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Richard Grey

(b. April 6, 1696, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England – d. Feb. 28, 1771, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Somerset )

Gender: M

Richard Grey (1696-1771) was ordained in 1719 as a priest of the Church of England, and became chaplain and secretary to Nathaniel Crew, Bishop of Durham. After obtaining several other livings, he was Archdeacon of Bedford from 1757-1771. In 1730 he published a treatise called Memoria Technica; or a new Method of Artificial Memory, containing a system designed to help people to memorise dates and measures. It was popular and went through several editions, continuing to be reprinted until 1861.

Also known as:

  • Richard Grey

Mentioned in 1 letters

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