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Thomas Sherlock

(b. Nov. 20, 1678, London, England – d. July 18, 1761, London, England )

Gender: M

Thomas Sherlock (1678-1761) was the son of William Sherlock, Dean of St Paul’s. In 1715 he became Dean of Chichester, and was Bishop of Bangor from 1734-1748 and Bishop of Salisbury from 1734-1748. He wrote a number of works that supported the possibility of supernatural and miraculous events, in opposition to more sceptical Deist writers; his 1729 The Trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus, which ran into fourteen editions. His volumes of sermons (1754-1758) were also popular.

Also known as:

  • Thomas Sherlock

Mentioned in 3 letters

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