People mentioned in correspondence beginning with the letter "J"
There are 2424 people mentioned in correspondence within the edition | View recipients by apparent gender orientation
Browse last names by start letter: A B C D E É F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Jack, Foul-Weather (b. Nov. 8, 1723 - d. April 10, 1786)
- Jackson, Caterina (née Clarke) (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Jacson, Frances (b. Oct. 13, 1754 - d. June 17, 1842)
Jamaica, Governor of
(b. Aug. 21, 1739 -
d. March 31, 1791)
Also known as:
- Col. Archibald Campbell
- Governor of Georgia
- Governor of Madras
- James, Jane (née Pratt) (b. Unknown - d. 1825)
- James, Robert (b. Aug. 15, 1703 - d. March 23, 1776)
Jarnac, Comte de
(b. July 9, 1740 -
d. 1813)
Also known as:
- Charles-Rosalie de Rohan-Cabot
- Jebb, Richard (b. Oct. 30, 1729 - d. July 4, 1787)
Jeffreys, Henrietta Louisa
(b. Nov. 15, 1698 -
d. Dec. 15, 1761)
Also known as:
- Lady Pomfret
- Jenkins, Thomas (b. 1722 - d. 1798)
- Jenyns, Soame (b. Jan. 1, 1704 - d. Dec. 18, 1787)
- Jerningham, Edward (b. 1737 - d. Nov. 17, 1812)
Jersey, 3rd Earl of
(b. March 8, 1707 -
d. Aug. 28, 1769)
Also known as:
- William Villiers
Jersey, 4th Earl of
(b. June 9, 1751 -
d. Aug. 22, 1805)
Also known as:
- Lord Viliers
- George Bussy Villiers
Jersey, Countess of
(b. Feb. 25, 1753 -
d. July 25, 1821)
Also known as:
- Frances Villiers (née  Twysden)
- Johnson, Joseph (b. Nov. 15, 1738 - d. Dec. 20, 1809)
- Johnson, Samuel (b. Sept. 7, 1709 - d. Dec. 13, 1784)
- Johnstone, (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
Johnstone, 3rd Baronet
Also known as:
- James Johnstone
Johnstone, James
Also known as:
- 3rd Baronet Johnstone
- Jones, Anna Maria (née Shipley) (b. Dec. 5, 1748 - d. July 7, 1829)
Jones, Elizabeth
(b. 1665 -
d. 1758)
Also known as:
- Countess of Kildare
- Jones, John Paul (b. July 6, 1747 - d. July 18, 1792)
- Jones, William (b. Sept. 28, 1746 - d. April 27, 1794)
- Jonstone, James (b. April 14, 1730 - d. Sept. 19, 1783)
- Jr, John (née Botham) (b. May 15, 1743 - d. 0000)
Please note that all dates and location information are provisional, initially taken from the library and archive catalogues. As our section editors continue to work through the material we will update our database and the changes will be reflected across the edition.
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