People mentioned in correspondence beginning with the letter "I"
There are 2424 people mentioned in correspondence within the edition | View recipients by apparent gender orientation
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Ickworth, Lady Hervey of
(b. Sept. 26, 1700 -
d. Sept. 2, 1768)
Also known as:
- Mary Hervey (née  Lepel)
- Lady Hervey
II, George
(b. Nov. 10, 1683 -
d. Oct. 25, 1760)
Also known as:
- George 2
- George Augustus
- King of England
- George
III, George
(b. May 24, 1738 -
d. Jan. 29, 1820)
Also known as:
- George 3
- King of England
- George
- Farmer George
Ilay, 1st Earl of
(b. 1682 -
d. April 15, 1761)
Also known as:
- Lord Archibald Campbell
- Impey, Elijah (b. June 13, 1732 - d. Oct. 1, 1809)
Ireland, Deputy Vice-Treasurer of
(b. 1670 -
d. March 24, 1741)
Also known as:
- John Pratt
Ireland, Lord Lieutenant of
(b. Aug. 17, 1723 -
d. Sept. 3, 1793)
Also known as:
- MP for Norwich
- Ireland, Primate of All (b. 1709 - d. Oct. 10, 1794)
Ireland, Viceroy of
(b. July 5, 1718 -
d. June 14, 1794)
Also known as:
- Viscount Beauchamp
- 2nd Baron Conway
- Lord Hartford
- Iremonger, Joshua (b. 1745 - d. 1817)
- Iremonger, Mrs (b. 1726 - d. Feb. 16, 1829)
- Iremonger, Mrs Anne (née Dussaux) (b. 1747 - d. June 1, 1806) (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Iremonger, Penelope (b. 1726 - d. Feb. 16, 1829)
- Isaacson, Anthony (b. 1670 - d. 1746)
- Isaacson, Anthony (b. March 16, 1713 - d. Nov. 26, 1765)
Isaacson, Margaret (née Creagh)
(b. 1682 -
d. 1732)
Also known as:
- Margaret Isaacson
Isaacson, Margaret
(b. 1682 -
d. 1732)
Also known as:
- Margaret Isaacson (née  Creagh)
- Isaacson, Montagu (b. Oct. 5, 1742 - d. Dec. 25, 1772)
IV, George
(b. Aug. 12, 1762 -
d. Oct. 26, 1830)
Also known as:
- George 4
- King of England
- George
IV, William
(b. Aug. 21, 1765 -
d. June 20, 1837)
Also known as:
- William 4
- William Augustus
- Duke of Clarence
- William
Please note that all dates and location information are provisional, initially taken from the library and archive catalogues. As our section editors continue to work through the material we will update our database and the changes will be reflected across the edition.
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