People mentioned in correspondence beginning with the letter "G"
There are 2424 people mentioned in correspondence within the edition | View recipients by apparent gender orientation
Browse last names by start letter: A B C D E É F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Gage, Thomas (b. March 10, 1718 - d. April 2, 1787)
Gainsborough, 4th Earl of
(b. May 23, 1708 -
d. March 21, 1751)
Also known as:
- Baptist Noel
Gainsborough, Countess of
(b. 1708 -
d. Nov. 13, 1771)
Also known as:
- Elizabeth Chapman
Gambier, Margaret
(b. 1765 -
d. 1818)
Also known as:
- Margaret Pitt
- Garesché, Marie-Anne Sarah (née Carayon) (b. 1740 - d. 1828)
- Garrick, David (b. Feb. 19, 1717 - d. Jan. 20, 1779)
- Garrick, Eva Maria (née Viegel) (b. June 22, 1749 - d. Oct. 16, 1822)
- Gataker, Anne (née Hill) (b. 1725 - d. Dec. 1, 1797)
- Gaynor, Patrick (b. 1710 - d. Oct. 4, 1738)
- Genet, Mr (b. 1726 - d. 1781)
Genlis, Comtesse de
(b. Jan. 25, 1746 -
d. Dec. 31, 1830)
Also known as:
- Stephanie Delicite Ducret du Saint-Aubin
Gentleman, Little
(b. Unknown -
d. 0000)
Also known as:
- Mr Evans
Gentleman, Swiss
(b. Unknown -
d. 0000)
Also known as:
- Mr Blondel
Geoffrin, Madame
(b. June 26, 1699 -
d. Oct. 6, 1777)
Also known as:
- Marie Therese Rodet Geoffrin
Geoffrin, Marie Therese Rodet
(b. June 26, 1699 -
d. Oct. 6, 1777)
Also known as:
- Madame Geoffrin
(b. May 24, 1738 -
d. Jan. 29, 1820)
Also known as:
- George 3
- King of England
- Farmer George
- George III
(b. Nov. 10, 1683 -
d. Oct. 25, 1760)
Also known as:
- George 2
- George Augustus
- King of England
- George II
(b. Aug. 12, 1762 -
d. Oct. 26, 1830)
Also known as:
- George 4
- King of England
- George IV
George, Farmer
(b. May 24, 1738 -
d. Jan. 29, 1820)
Also known as:
- George 3
- King of England
- George
- George III
Georgia, Governor of
(b. Aug. 21, 1739 -
d. March 31, 1791)
Also known as:
- Col. Archibald Campbell
- Governor of Jamaica
- Governor of Madras
Germain, Lady George
(b. 1731 -
d. Jan. 15, 1778)
Also known as:
- Diana Sambrooke
Germain, Lord George
(b. Jan. 26, 1716 -
d. Aug. 26, 1785)
Also known as:
- The Hon. George Sackville
- Lord George Sackville
Germaine, George
(b. Jan. 26, 1716 -
d. Aug. 26, 1785)
Also known as:
- 1st Viscount Sackville
- Gessner, Salomon (b. April 1, 1730 - d. March 2, 1788)
- Gibbon, Edward (b. May 8, 1737 - d. Jan. 16, 1794)
- Gibbs, James (b. Dec. 23, 1682 - d. Aug. 5, 1754)
Gilbank, Reverend
(b. Oct. 31, 1740 -
d. 1807)
Also known as:
- William Gilbank
Gilbank, William
(b. Oct. 31, 1740 -
d. 1807)
Also known as:
- Reverend Gilbank
Gilbert, Emma
(b. July 28, 1729 -
d. Aug. 6, 1807)
Also known as:
- Lady Edgcumbe
- Emma Edgcumbe (née  Gilbert)
- Gillray, James (b. Aug. 13, 1756 - d. June 1, 1815)
- Gipps, George (b. 1728 - d. Feb. 13, 1800)
Gipps, Mary
(b. 1749 -
d. 1808)
Also known as:
- Mrs Morgan (née  Gipps)
Gisborne, Reverend
(b. Oct. 31, 1758 -
d. March 24, 1846)
Also known as:
- Thomas Gisborne
Gisborne, Thomas
(b. Oct. 31, 1758 -
d. March 24, 1846)
Also known as:
- Reverend Gisborne
- Glanville, Frances (née Glanville) (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Gloucester, Duchess of (b. July 10, 1736 - d. Aug. 22, 1807)
Gloucester, Duke of
(b. Nov. 25, 1743 -
d. Aug. 25, 1805)
Also known as:
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Prince Henry
- Henry William
Gloucester, Duke of
(b. Nov. 25, 1743 -
d. Aug. 25, 1805)
Also known as:
- William Henry
- Gloucester, Mayor of (b. Aug. 11, 1719 - d. Jan. 25, 1791)
Godolphin, Francis
(b. Jan. 29, 1751 -
d. Jan. 31, 1799)
Also known as:
- 5th Duke of Leeds
Godolphin, Lady Mary
(b. 1723 -
d. Aug. 3, 1764)
Also known as:
- Mary Osborne (née  Godolphin)
- Godolphin, Lady Harriet (b. 1701 - d. July 17, 1776)
- Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft (b. April 27, 1759 - d. Sept. 10, 1797)
- Goldsmith, Oliver (b. Nov. 10, 1728 - d. April 4, 1774)
- Goldsworth, Martha Caroline (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
Gordon, 4th Duke of
(b. June 18, 1743 -
d. June 17, 1827)
Also known as:
- Alexander Gordon
Gordon, Alexander
(b. June 18, 1743 -
d. June 17, 1827)
Also known as:
- 4th Duke of Gordon
- Gordon, Charlotte (b. Sept. 20, 1768 - d. May 5, 1842)
Gordon, Duchess of
(b. 1748 -
d. April 14, 1812)
Also known as:
- Jane Gordon
Gordon, George
(b. Dec. 26, 1751 -
d. Nov. 1, 1793)
Also known as:
- 6th Baron Byron
- Lord Gordon
Gordon, George Noel
(b. Jan. 22, 1788 -
d. April 19, 1824)
Also known as:
- 6th Baron Byron
- Lord Byron
- Gordon, Georgiana (b. July 18, 1781 - d. Feb. 24, 1853)
Gordon, Jane
(b. 1748 -
d. April 14, 1812)
Also known as:
- Duchess of Gordon
Gordon, Lord
(b. Dec. 26, 1751 -
d. Nov. 1, 1793)
Also known as:
- 6th Baron Byron
- George Gordon
- Gordon, Louisa (b. 1776 - d. 1850)
- Gordon, Madelina (b. 1772 - d. March 31, 1847)
- Gordon, Miss (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Gordon, Susan (b. Feb. 2, 1774 - d. Sept. 26, 1828)
- Gordon, William (b. 1744 - d. 1823)
- Gore, Mrs (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
Goulton, Mrs
(b. 1756 -
d. 1805)
Also known as:
- Dorothea Goulton nee Smelt
Gower, Countess
(b. July 6, 1701 -
d. Feb. 19, 1785)
Also known as:
- Baroness Lucas of Crudwell
- Baroness Gower of Sittenham
Grafton, Duke of
(b. Sept. 28, 1735 -
d. March 14, 1811)
Also known as:
- Augustus Henry Fitzroy
- Graham, James (b. June 23, 1745 - d. June 23, 1794)
- Graham, Miss (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Graham, William (b. 1757 - d. 1820)
Granard, Countess
Also known as:
- The Hon. Mary Preston (née  Stewart)
Grange, Lady
(b. 1679 -
d. May 12, 1745)
Also known as:
- Rachel Chiesley
Grange, Lord
(b. 1679 -
d. Jan. 20, 1754)
Also known as:
- James Erskine
Grantham, 1st Earl of
(b. 1673 -
d. Dec. 5, 1754)
Also known as:
- Henry de Nassau d' Auverquerque
Grantham, 2nd Baron
(b. Nov. 30, 1738 -
d. July 20, 1786)
Also known as:
- Thomas Robinson
Granville, 1st Countess
(b. 1667 -
d. Oct. 18, 1744)
Also known as:
- Grace Grenville
- Grattan, Henry (b. July 3, 1746 - d. June 4, 1820)
Gray, 1st Baronet
(b. 1667 -
d. Oct. 27, 1722)
Also known as:
- James Gray
- Sir James Gray
Gray, 2nd Baronet
(b. 1708 -
d. Feb. 14, 1773)
Also known as:
- James Gray
- Sir James Gray
Gray, 3rd Baronet
(b. 1708 -
d. Feb. 14, 1773)
Also known as:
- George Gray
- Gray, Caroline (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
Gray, George
(b. 1708 -
d. Feb. 14, 1773)
Also known as:
- 3rd Baronet Gray
Gray, Hester (née Dodd)
(b. 1684 -
d. 1781)
Also known as:
- Lady Gray
Gray, James
(b. 1708 -
d. Feb. 14, 1773)
Also known as:
- 2nd Baronet Gray
- Sir James Gray
Gray, James
(b. 1667 -
d. Oct. 27, 1722)
Also known as:
- 1st Baronet Gray
- Sir James Gray
Gray, Lady
(b. 1684 -
d. 1781)
Also known as:
- Hester Gray (née  Dodd)
Gray, Sir James
(b. 1708 -
d. Feb. 14, 1773)
Also known as:
- James Gray
- 2nd Baronet Gray
Gray, Sir James
(b. 1667 -
d. Oct. 27, 1722)
Also known as:
- James Gray
- 1st Baronet Gray
- Gray, Thomas (b. Dec. 26, 1716 - d. July 30, 1771)
Great, Catherine the
(b. May 2, 1729 -
d. Nov. 17, 1796)
Also known as:
- Catherine 2
- Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst
- Catherine
- Empress of All Russia
- Great, Frederick the (b. Jan. 24, 1712 - d. Aug. 17, 1786)
- Great Britain, Lord High Chancellor (née of) (b. Dec. 11, 1690 - d. March 6, 1764)
- Great Britain, Princess Caroline Matilda (née of) (b. July 20, 1751 - d. May 10, 1775)
- Greene, Thomas (b. Unknown - d. 1780)
- Greenland, Augustine (b. Feb. 28, 1727 - d. July 20, 1803)
Greenland, Jane (née Batchelor)
(b. 1695 -
d. Jan. 6, 1742)
Also known as:
- Jane Batchelor
- Greenland, John (b. Oct. 10, 1690 - d. Feb. 8, 1744)
- Greenland, Mary (b. Feb. 15, 1729 - d. 1789)
- Greenwich, 1st Duke of (b. Oct. 10, 1680 - d. Oct. 4, 1743)
- Gregory, Catherine (née Sayer) (b. June 9, 1756 - d. Jan. 20, 1816)
- Gregory, Dorothea (née Alison) (b. June 4, 1754 - d. July 7, 1830)
Gregory, Elizabeth (née Forbes)
(b. 1728 -
d. Oct. 3, 1761)
Also known as:
- Mrs Gregory
- Gregory, James (b. 1753 - d. 1821)
- Gregory, John (b. June 3, 1724 - d. Feb. 9, 1773)
- Gregory, Mary (b. Unknown - d. 1784)
- Gregory, Mary (née Ross) (b. March 15, 1760 - d. 1784)
Gregory, Mrs
(b. 1728 -
d. Oct. 3, 1761)
Also known as:
- Elizabeth Gregory (née  Forbes)
- Gregory, William (b. 1744 - d. July 14, 1803)
- Grenville, George (b. Oct. 14, 1712 - d. Nov. 13, 1770)
Grenville, Grace
(b. 1667 -
d. Oct. 18, 1744)
Also known as:
- 1st Countess Granville
- Grenville, Henry (b. Sept. 11, 1717 - d. April 22, 1784)
- Grenville, Margaret Eleanor (née Banks) (b. 1723 - d. June 19, 1793)
Grenville-Temple, Richard
(b. Sept. 26, 1711 -
d. Sept. 11, 1779)
Also known as:
- 2nd Earl Temple
- Greville, Baron Brooke (b. 1694 - d. July 28, 1727)
- Greville, Countess Warwick (née Hamilton) (b. Aug. 22, 1720 - d. Feb. 24, 1800)
Greville, Francis
(b. Oct. 10, 1719 -
d. July 8, 1773)
Also known as:
- 8th Baron Brooke
- 1st Earl Warwick
Grey, 1st Earl
(b. Oct. 23, 1729 -
d. Nov. 14, 1807)
Also known as:
- Charles Grey
Grey, Charles
(b. Oct. 23, 1729 -
d. Nov. 14, 1807)
Also known as:
- 1st Earl Grey
- Grey, Elizabeth (b. 1765 - d. Nov. 28, 1846)
Grey, Henrietta (née Cavendish-Bentinck)
(b. 1737 -
d. 1827)
Also known as:
- Countess of Stamford
Grey, Henry de
(b. 1671 -
d. June 5, 1740)
Also known as:
- Duke of Kent
Grey, Lord
(b. Oct. 1, 1737 -
d. May 28, 1819)
Also known as:
- Earl of Warrington
Grey, Marchioness
(b. Oct. 10, 1723 -
d. Jan. 11, 1797)
Also known as:
- Jemima Yorke (née  Campbell)
- Grey, Richard (b. April 6, 1696 - d. Feb. 28, 1771)
Grey, William de
(b. July 7, 1719 -
d. May 9, 1781)
Also known as:
- 1st Baron Walsingham
Griffin, Elizabeth
(b. Nov. 30, 1691 -
d. Aug. 13, 1762)
Also known as:
- Countess of Portsmouth
- Griffith, Anne (née Chicheley) (b. 1737 - d. March 27, 1758)
- Griffith, Catherine (née St Quintin) (b. Oct. 10, 1730 - d. 0000)
- Griffith, Christopher (b. 1721 - d. Jan. 12, 1776)
Grimston, 1st Viscount
(b. Dec. 31, 1684 -
d. Oct. 15, 1756)
Also known as:
- William Grimston
Grimston, 3rd Viscount
(b. May 9, 1747 -
d. Dec. 30, 1808)
Also known as:
- James Grimston
Grimston, James
(b. May 9, 1747 -
d. Dec. 30, 1808)
Also known as:
- 3rd Viscount Grimston
Grimston, William
(b. Dec. 31, 1684 -
d. Oct. 15, 1756)
Also known as:
- 1st Viscount Grimston
Gros, Louis le
(b. May 12, 1725 -
d. Nov. 18, 1785)
Also known as:
- Louis
- Louis Phillippe d' Orleans
- Grosden, Mr (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Guernsey, Lord (b. 1683 - d. 1757)
Guildford, 2nd Earl of
(b. April 13, 1732 -
d. Aug. 5, 1792)
Also known as:
- Frederick North
- Lord North
- Guildford, Lady (b. 1710 - d. Dec. 17, 1776)
Please note that all dates and location information are provisional, initially taken from the library and archive catalogues. As our section editors continue to work through the material we will update our database and the changes will be reflected across the edition.
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