People mentioned in correspondence beginning with the letter "W"
There are 2424 people mentioned in correspondence within the edition | View recipients by apparent gender orientation
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Wake, Lady
(b. 1740 -
d. Dec. 10, 1823)
Also known as:
- Mary Fenton
- Waldegrave, Countess (b. July 10, 1736 - d. Aug. 22, 1807)
Waldegrave, Maria (née Walpole)
(b. July 10, 1736 -
d. Aug. 22, 1807)
Also known as:
- Duchess of Edinburgh
- Duchess of Gloucester
- Countess Waldegrave
Wales, Prince of
(b. Jan. 31, 1707 -
d. March 31, 1751)
Also known as:
- Frederick Augustus
Wallace, Mrs Mary
(b. 1706 -
d. Feb. 14, 1791)
Also known as:
- Mrs Mary Morton
- Mary Savile (née  Pratt)
Wallingford, Viscountess
(b. 1711 -
d. Oct. 14, 1790)
Also known as:
- Mary Catherine Knollys
- Walpole, Horace (b. Sept. 24, 1717 - d. March 2, 1797)
Walpole, Ned
(b. 1706 -
d. Jan. 12, 1784)
Also known as:
- Sir Edward Walpole
Walpole, Robert
(b. Aug. 26, 1676 -
d. March 18, 1745)
Also known as:
- 1st Earl of Orford
Walpole, Sir Edward
(b. 1706 -
d. Jan. 12, 1784)
Also known as:
- Ned Walpole
Walsingham, 1st Baron
(b. July 7, 1719 -
d. May 9, 1781)
Also known as:
- William de Grey
- Walsingham, Charlotte (b. 1735 - d. April 12, 1790)
- Walton, Miss (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Warburton, William (b. Dec. 24, 1698 - d. June 7, 1779)
Ward, 6th Baron
(b. March 6, 1704 -
d. May 6, 1774)
Also known as:
- John Ward 1st Ward (née  Viscount)
- Ward, John Ward 2nd (née Viscount) (b. Feb. 22, 1725 - d. Oct. 10, 1788)
Ward, John Ward 1st (née Viscount)
(b. March 6, 1704 -
d. May 6, 1774)
Also known as:
- 6th Baron Ward
Warens, Madame de
(b. March 31, 1699 -
d. July 29, 1762)
Also known as:
- Louise Éléonore de la du Pil (née  Tour)
Warrington, Earl of
(b. Oct. 1, 1737 -
d. May 28, 1819)
Also known as:
- Lord Grey
- Warton, Charlotte (née Nicholas) (b. Oct. 11, 1742 - d. Dec. 2, 1806)
- Warton, Joseph (b. 1722 - d. Feb. 23, 1800)
- Warton, Thomas (b. Jan. 9, 1728 - d. May 21, 1790)
Warwick, 1st Earl
(b. Oct. 10, 1719 -
d. July 8, 1773)
Also known as:
- 8th Baron Brooke
- Francis Greville
- Washington, George (b. Feb. 22, 1732 - d. Dec. 14, 1799)
- Watkins, Francis (b. 1723 - d. 1791)
- Watson, Catherine (née Furnese) (b. 1710 - d. Dec. 17, 1776)
Watson, Lady Catherine
(b. 1711 -
d. 1765)
Also known as:
- Mrs Southell
- Mrs Southwell
- Catherine Southwell (née  Watson)
- Watson, Richard (b. 1737 - d. July 4, 1816)
Watson-Wentworth, Charles
(b. May 13, 1730 -
d. July 1, 1782)
Also known as:
- 2nd Marquess of Rockingham
- Webb,
Wedderburn, Alexander
(b. Feb. 13, 1733 -
d. Jan. 2, 1805)
Also known as:
- Baron Loughborough
- 1st Earl of Rosslyn
- Wedderburn, Betty Anne (née Dawson) (b. 1752 - d. Feb. 5, 1781)
- Wedgewood, Josiah (b. July 12, 1730 - d. Jan. 3, 1795)
- Weldon, John (b. Jan. 19, 1676 - d. May 7, 1736)
Wellesley, Arthur
(b. May 1, 1769 -
d. Sept. 14, 1852)
Also known as:
- Duke of Wellington
Wellington, Duke of
(b. May 1, 1769 -
d. Sept. 14, 1852)
Also known as:
- Arthur Wellesley
Wells Cathedral, Chancellor of
(b. Unknown -
d. 0000)
Also known as:
- Francis Squire
Wendt, Amalie von
(b. April 1, 1704 -
d. Oct. 19, 1765)
Also known as:
- Countess of Yarmouth
Wentworth, Anne
(b. 1684 -
d. Sept. 19, 1754)
Also known as:
- Lady Wentworth
Wentworth, Lady
(b. 1684 -
d. Sept. 19, 1754)
Also known as:
- Anne Wentworth
- Wesley, John (b. June 17, 1703 - d. March 2, 1791)
West, Admiral
(b. 1715 -
d. Aug. 15, 1757)
Also known as:
- Temple West
West, Catherine (née Bartlett)
(b. 1710 -
d. 1757)
Also known as:
- Kitty West
- West, Frances (née Balchen) (b. 1710 - d. 1793)
- West, Gilbert (b. 1703 - d. March 26, 1756)
West, Kitty
(b. 1710 -
d. 1757)
Also known as:
- Catherine West (née  Bartlett)
West, Mary
(b. 1704 -
d. Sept. 12, 1786)
Also known as:
- Molly West
West, Molly
(b. 1704 -
d. Sept. 12, 1786)
Also known as:
- Mary West
West, Temple
(b. 1715 -
d. Aug. 15, 1757)
Also known as:
- Admiral West
Westcote, Lady
(b. 1745 -
d. Sept. 19, 1809)
Also known as:
- Caroline Lyttelton (née  Bristowe)
Westcote, Lord
(b. Dec. 24, 1724 -
d. Sept. 14, 1808)
Also known as:
- William Henry Lyttelton
- 1st Baron Lyttelton
- Governor of South Carolina
Westmoreland, Lady
(b. 1708 -
d. Nov. 17, 1782)
Also known as:
- Elizabeth Fane (née  Swymmer)
- Lady Westmorland
Westmorland, 6th Earl of
(b. Oct. 3, 1681 -
d. June 4, 1736)
Also known as:
- Thomas Fane
- The Honorable Thomas Fane
Westmorland, 7th Earl
(b. March 24, 1685 -
d. Aug. 26, 1762)
Also known as:
- John Fane
Westmorland, Countess of
(b. Unknown -
d. 0000)
Also known as:
- Mary Fane (née  Cavendish)
Westmorland, Lady
(b. 1708 -
d. Nov. 17, 1782)
Also known as:
- Elizabeth Fane (née  Swymmer)
- Lady Westmoreland
Weymouth, 3rd Viscount
(b. Sept. 13, 1734 -
d. Nov. 19, 1796)
Also known as:
- 1st Marquess of Bath
- Thomas Thynne
- Whaley, John (b. 1710 - d. 1745)
- Whalley, John (b. 1699 - d. Dec. 12, 1748)
- Whalley, Mary (née Squire) (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick (b. 1746 - d. 1828)
White, Susan
(b. 1744 -
d. Oct. 20, 1797)
Also known as:
- Mrs Woodhouse
- Whitehead, William (b. Feb. 12, 1715 - d. April 14, 1785)
- Widdrington, Catherine (née Graham) (b. 1677 - d. 1757)
- Wilberforce, William (b. Aug. 24, 1759 - d. July 29, 1833)
Wilhelmina, Princess
(b. Aug. 7, 1751 -
d. June 9, 1820)
Also known as:
- Wilhelmina Batavus
- Princess of Orange
- Wilkes, John (b. Oct. 17, 1725 - d. Oct. 26, 1797)
- Wilkes, Mrs (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
(b. Aug. 21, 1765 -
d. June 20, 1837)
Also known as:
- William 4
- William Augustus
- Duke of Clarence
- William IV
William, Henry
(b. Nov. 25, 1743 -
d. Aug. 25, 1805)
Also known as:
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Duke of Gloucester
- Prince Henry
- Williams, Anna (b. 1706 - d. Sept. 6, 1783)
- Williams, Charles Hanbury (b. Dec. 8, 1708 - d. Nov. 2, 1759)
- Williams, Frances (née Coningsby) (b. Jan. 15, 1717 - d. 1781)
- Williams, George James (b. 1719 - d. 1805)
- Williams, Helen Maria (b. June 17, 1759 - d. Dec. 15, 1827)
- Williams, Miss
- Williams-Wynn, Lady Henrietta (née Somerset) (b. April 26, 1748 - d. July 24, 1770)
- Williamson, James (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Willis, Francis (b. Aug. 17, 1718 - d. Dec. 5, 1807)
Willoughby, 14th Baron
(b. Aug. 5, 1738 -
d. Feb. 15, 1816)
Also known as:
- John Perto-Verney
- Willyams, Cooper (b. 1762 - d. July 17, 1816)
- Wilmot, Henry (b. 1710 - d. Aug. 3, 1794)
- Wilmot, John Eardley (b. Aug. 16, 1709 - d. Feb. 5, 1792)
- Wilmot, Mr (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Wilmot, Sarah (née Morris) (b. March 15, 1724 - d. March 25, 1793)
- Wilson, George (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Wilson, Thomas (b. Aug. 24, 1703 - d. April 5, 1784)
Wilton, Viscount
(b. Dec. 27, 1731 -
d. Sept. 29, 1789)
Also known as:
- Marquess of Carnarvon
Winchelsea, 7th Earl of
(b. July 2, 1647 -
d. Jan. 1, 1730)
Also known as:
- Daniel Finch
Winchelsea, 8th Earl of
(b. May 24, 1689 -
d. Aug. 2, 1769)
Also known as:
- Daniel Finch
- 2nd Earl of Nottingham
Winchelsea, 9th Earl of
(b. Nov. 4, 1752 -
d. Aug. 2, 1826)
Also known as:
- George Finch
- Winchelsea, Anne (née Kingsmill) (b. 1661 - d. Aug. 5, 1720)
Winchilsea, 8th Earl of
(b. May 24, 1689 -
d. Aug. 2, 1769)
Also known as:
- Daniel Finch
- 3rd Earl of Nottingham
- Windham, William (b. May 14, 1750 - d. June 4, 1810)
Windsor, 2nd Viscount
(b. May 1, 1707 -
d. Jan. 25, 1758)
Also known as:
- Herbert Hickman-Windsor
- Windsor, Lord Plymouth (b. May 12, 1731 - d. April 21, 1771)
- Wood, John (b. Feb. 25, 1728 - d. June 18, 1782)
- Wood, John Wood (b. 1704 - d. May 23, 1754)
- Woodhouse, James (b. April 18, 1735 - d. 1820)
- Woodhouse, Joseph (b. April 19, 1744 - d. 1804)
Woodhouse, Mrs
(b. 1744 -
d. Oct. 20, 1797)
Also known as:
- Susan White
Woodhouselee, Lord
(b. Oct. 15, 1747 -
d. Jan. 5, 1813)
Also known as:
- Alexander Fraser Tytler
- Woodstock, Viscount (b. March 17, 1682 - d. July 4, 1726)
- Woodward, Dr (b. May 1, 1665 - d. April 25, 1728)
- Woodward, Richard (b. 1743 - d. Nov. 27, 1777)
Woohouse, Hannah (née Fletcher)
(b. Unknown -
d. 0000)
Also known as:
- Daphne
- Wootton, John (b. 1681 - d. 1764)
- Wootton, Rebecca (née Rutty) (b. 1693 - d. 1748)
- Worcester, Marquess of (b. Dec. 22, 1766 - d. Dec. 2, 1835)
- Worsdale, Mr (b. 1692 - d. June 10, 1767)
- Worsley, Frances (b. 1694 - d. June 20, 1743)
- Wortley, Miss (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
Wortley Montagu, Edward
(b. Feb. 8, 1678 -
d. Jan. 22, 1761)
Also known as:
- James Valentine
Wraxall, 1st Baron
(b. April 8, 1751 -
d. Nov. 7, 1831)
Also known as:
- Nathaniel Wraxall
Wraxall, Nathaniel
(b. April 8, 1751 -
d. Nov. 7, 1831)
Also known as:
- 1st Baron Wraxall
- Wright, John (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Wright, Mrs (b. Unknown - d. 1778)
- Wright, Patience (née Lovell) (b. 1725 - d. March 23, 1786)
- Wright, T
Wrottesley, 7th Baronet
(b. April 12, 1721 -
d. July 20, 1769)
Also known as:
- Richard Wrottesley
Wrottesley, Richard
(b. April 12, 1721 -
d. July 20, 1769)
Also known as:
- 7th Baronet Wrottesley
- Wyatt, James (b. Aug. 3, 1746 - d. Sept. 4, 1813)
- Wyndham, George O'Brien (b. Dec. 18, 1751 - d. Nov. 11, 1837)
- Wyndham-Harris, Catherine (née Knatchbull) (b. 1709 - d. June 8, 1796)
Please note that all dates and location information are provisional, initially taken from the library and archive catalogues. As our section editors continue to work through the material we will update our database and the changes will be reflected across the edition.
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