People mentioned in correspondence beginning with the letter "K"
There are 2424 people mentioned in correspondence within the edition | View recipients by apparent gender orientation
Browse last names by start letter: A B C D E É F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Kames, Lord
(b. 1696 -
d. Dec. 27, 1782)
Also known as:
- Henry Home
- Kauffman, Angelica (b. Oct. 13, 1741 - d. Nov. 5, 1807)
- Keate, George (b. Nov. 30, 1729 - d. June 28, 1797)
- Keir, Susanna (née Harvey) (b. 1747 - d. 1802)
- Keith, Robert Murray (b. Sept. 20, 1730 - d. June 22, 1795)
Keith, Viscountess
(b. Sept. 17, 1764 -
d. March 31, 1857)
Also known as:
- Hester Maria Elphinstone (née  Thrale)
- Kennet, Mrs (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
Kent, Duke of
(b. 1671 -
d. June 5, 1740)
Also known as:
- Henry de Grey
- Kent, William (b. 1686 - d. April 12, 1748)
- Kenyon, Lloyd (b. Oct. 5, 1732 - d. April 4, 1802)
- Keralio, Louise Felicite (née de) (b. Jan. 19, 1757 - d. Dec. 31, 1821)
- Kerr, Elizabeth (née Fortescue) (b. April 3, 1745 - d. Sept. 30, 1780)
- Kerr, Elizabeth (née Fortescue) (b. April 3, 1745 - d. Sept. 30, 1780)
Kerr, Louisa
(b. 1739 -
d. 1830)
Also known as:
- Louisa Kerr
- Louisa Kerry
Kerr, Louisa
(b. 1739 -
d. 1830)
Also known as:
- Louisa Kerr
- Louisa Kerry
- Kerr, Mary (b. Dec. 5, 1767 - d. Feb. 6, 1791)
Kerr, William
(b. March 13, 1737 -
d. Jan. 4, 1815)
Also known as:
- Lord Ancram
- Earl of Ancram
- William John Kerr
- 5th Marquess Lothian
Kerr, William John
(b. March 13, 1737 -
d. Jan. 4, 1815)
Also known as:
- Lord Ancram
- Earl of Ancram
- William Kerr
- 5th Marquess Lothian
- Kerr, William Henry (b. 1710 - d. April 12, 1775)
Kerry, 3rd Earl
(b. Sept. 9, 1740 -
d. July 4, 1818)
Also known as:
- Francis Thomas-Fitzmaurice
Kerry, Louisa
(b. 1739 -
d. 1830)
Also known as:
- Louisa Kerr
- Louisa Kerr
Kildare, Countess of
(b. 1665 -
d. 1758)
Also known as:
- Elizabeth Jones
- Killaloe and Kilfenora, Bishop of (b. 1726 - d. June 7, 1806)
- King, William (b. April 16, 1736 - d. 1808)
- Kingsmill, Elizabeth (née Corry) (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
Kingston, 2nd Duke of
(b. April 3, 1745 -
d. Sept. 23, 1773)
Also known as:
- Evelyn Pierrepont
Kingston, Duchess of
(b. 1720 -
d. Aug. 26, 1788)
Also known as:
- Elizabeth Chudleigh
- Kinner, Mr (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
Kinnoul, 9th Earl of
(b. July 4, 1710 -
d. Dec. 27, 1787)
Also known as:
- Lord Dupplin
- Thomas Hay
Kinnoull, Countess of
(b. Unknown -
d. July 18, 1750)
Also known as:
- Lady Abigail Harley
- Abigail Hay (née  Harley)
- Kippis, Andrew (b. March 28, 1728 - d. Oct. 8, 1795)
Knatchbull, 4th Baronet
(b. 1674 -
d. April 3, 1730)
Also known as:
- Edward Knatchbull
Knatchbull, 7th Baronet
(b. Dec. 12, 1704 -
d. Nov. 21, 1789)
Also known as:
- Edward Knatchbull
Knatchbull, 8th Baronet
(b. May 22, 1758 -
d. Sept. 1, 1819)
Also known as:
- Edward Knatchbull
- Knatchbull, Catherine (née Harris) (b. Unknown - d. Jan. 6, 1741)
Knatchbull, Edward
(b. Dec. 12, 1704 -
d. Nov. 21, 1789)
Also known as:
- 7th Baronet Knatchbull
Knatchbull, Edward
(b. May 22, 1758 -
d. Sept. 1, 1819)
Also known as:
- 8th Baronet Knatchbull
Knatchbull, Edward
(b. 1674 -
d. April 3, 1730)
Also known as:
- 4th Baronet Knatchbull
- Knatchbull, Mary (née Hugessen) (b. 1759 - d. May 24, 1784)
Knatchbull, Reverend
(b. April 28, 1707 -
d. Dec. 27, 1760)
Also known as:
- Prebendary of Durham
- Wadham Knatchbull
Knatchbull, Wadham
(b. April 28, 1707 -
d. Dec. 27, 1760)
Also known as:
- Prebendary of Durham
- Reverend Knatchbull
- Knatchbull-Wyndham, Wyndham (b. Feb. 16, 1737 - d. Sept. 26, 1763)
- Knight, Catherine (née Knatchbull) (b. 1753 - d. 1812)
- Knight, Edward (née Austen) (b. Oct. 7, 1767 - d. Nov. 19, 1852)
- Knight, Richard (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
Knollys, Mary Catherine
(b. 1711 -
d. Oct. 14, 1790)
Also known as:
- Viscountess Wallingford
Knowles, Admiral Charles
(b. 1704 -
d. Dec. 9, 1777)
Also known as:
- 1st Baronet
Kouli Kan, Thamas
(b. Aug. 6, 1698 -
d. June 20, 1747)
Also known as:
- Nader Shah
Kyle-Ernle, Constantia (née Kyle-Ernle)
(b. Unknown -
d. June 29, 1753)
Also known as:
- Lady Dupplin
Please note that all dates and location information are provisional, initially taken from the library and archive catalogues. As our section editors continue to work through the material we will update our database and the changes will be reflected across the edition.
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