People mentioned in correspondence beginning with the letter "M"
There are 2424 people mentioned in correspondence within the edition | View recipients by apparent gender orientation
Browse last names by start letter: A B C D E É F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Mabbot, Captain
(b. 1692 -
d. Nov. 14, 1764)
Also known as:
- William Mabbot
- Mabbot, Mr (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
Mabbot, William
(b. 1692 -
d. Nov. 14, 1764)
Also known as:
- Captain Mabbot
Macartney, 1st Earl
(b. May 3, 1737 -
d. March 31, 1806)
Also known as:
- George Macartney
Macartney, George
(b. May 3, 1737 -
d. March 31, 1806)
Also known as:
- 1st Earl Macartney
- Macartney, Jane (b. 1742 - d. Feb. 28, 1828)
- Macaulay, Catharine Sophia (b. Feb. 24, 1765 - d. May 4, 1821)
- Macaulay, Catherine (b. April 2, 1731 - d. June 22, 1791)
- Macdonald, James (b. 1741 - d. July 26, 1766)
- Macdonald, Margaret (née Montgomerie) (b. 1710 - d. May 30, 1799)
Mackenzie, Lieutenant Kenneth
(b. Jan. 15, 1744 -
d. Aug. 27, 1781)
Also known as:
- Lord Kenneth Mackenzie
- Lieutenant-Colonel Kenneth Mackenzie
Mackenzie, Lieutenant-Colonel Kenneth
(b. Jan. 15, 1744 -
d. Aug. 27, 1781)
Also known as:
- Lord Kenneth Mackenzie
- Lieutenant Kenneth Mackenzie
Mackenzie, Lord Kenneth
(b. Jan. 15, 1744 -
d. Aug. 27, 1781)
Also known as:
- Lieutenant Kenneth Mackenzie
- Lieutenant-Colonel Kenneth Mackenzie
- Macpherson, James (b. Oct. 27, 1736 - d. Feb. 17, 1796)
- Madan, Martin (b. Oct. 5, 1726 - d. May 2, 1790)
Madras, Governor of
(b. Aug. 21, 1739 -
d. March 31, 1791)
Also known as:
- Col. Archibald Campbell
- Governor of Georgia
- Governor of Jamaica
- Maghera, Vicar of (b. 1726 - d. June 7, 1806)
Maintenon, Madame de
(b. Nov. 27, 1635 -
d. April 15, 1719)
Also known as:
- Madame Scarron
- Mainwaring, Elizabeth (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Majendie, John James (b. March 14, 1709 - d. 1783)
Manchester, Duchess of
(b. 1740 -
d. June 26, 1832)
Also known as:
- Elizabeth Montagu (née  Dashwood)
Manchester, Duchess of
(b. 1711 -
d. Feb. 25, 1755)
Also known as:
- Harriet Dunch
Manners, Charles
(b. March 15, 1754 -
d. Oct. 24, 1787)
Also known as:
- 4th Duke of Rutland
Mansfield, 1st Earl of
(b. March 2, 1705 -
d. March 20, 1793)
Also known as:
- William Murray
- Mansfield, 2nd Countess of (b. 1758 - d. July 11, 1843)
Mansfield, 2nd Earl of
(b. Oct. 9, 1727 -
d. Sept. 1, 1796)
Also known as:
- David Murray
- Viscount Stormont
Mar, Countess of
(b. 1688 -
d. March 4, 1767)
Also known as:
- Frances Erskine (née  Pierrepont)
March, Earl of
(b. May 18, 1701 -
d. Aug. 8, 1750)
Also known as:
- 2nd Duke of Aubigny
- 2nd Duke of Lennox
March, Earl of
(b. Dec. 16, 1724 -
d. Dec. 23, 1810)
Also known as:
- Lord Douglas
- Baron Douglas
- Lord March
- Old Q
- 4th Duke of Queensberry
March, Lord
(b. Dec. 16, 1724 -
d. Dec. 23, 1810)
Also known as:
- Lord Douglas
- Baron Douglas
- Earl of March
- Old Q
- 4th Duke of Queensberry
Marchmont, Lord
(b. Feb. 15, 1708 -
d. Jan. 10, 1794)
Also known as:
- Hugh Hume-Campbell
Marie, Emmanuel Louis
(b. Dec. 12, 1743 -
d. 1822)
Also known as:
- Marquis de Noailles
- Markham, William (b. April 9, 1719 - d. Nov. 3, 1807)
Marlborough, 1st Duke of
(b. May 26, 1650 -
d. June 16, 1722)
Also known as:
- John Churchill
Marlborough, Duchess of
(b. June 5, 1660 -
d. Oct. 18, 1744)
Also known as:
- Sarah Churchill
Marlborough, Duchess of
(b. Jan. 13, 1743 -
d. Nov. 26, 1811)
Also known as:
- Caroline Spencer (née  Russell)
- Marsham, Harriet (b. 1721 - d. 1796)
- Marsham, Priscilla (née Pym) (b. 1724 - d. 1771)
Marsham, Robert
(b. Aug. 22, 1712 -
d. Nov. 16, 1793)
Also known as:
- 2nd Baron Romney
- Marsham, Robert (b. Jan. 27, 1708 - d. Sept. 4, 1797)
- Mason, William (b. Feb. 12, 1724 - d. April 7, 1797)
- Masseran, Madame de (b. Oct. 2, 1722 - d. March 10, 1786)
- Master, Mrs (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Masters, Mrs Patty (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Maundrell, Henry
Mayne, William
(b. 1722 -
d. May 28, 1794)
Also known as:
- 1st Baron Newhaven
- Mead, Richard (b. Aug. 11, 1673 - d. Feb. 16, 1754)
Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Charlotte of
(b. May 19, 1744 -
d. Nov. 17, 1818)
Also known as:
- Queen Consort
- Medalle, Lydia de (née Stene) (b. Dec. 1, 1747 - d. 1783)
- Medcalfe, Mr (b. 1732 - d. 1794)
Medcalfe, Mrs
(b. 1734 -
d. 1775)
Also known as:
- Ellen Metcalfe (née  Barton)
- Medows, Jemima (née Montagu) (b. 1695 - d. Nov. 6, 1759)
- Medows, Sydney (b. Sept. 1, 1701 - d. Nov. 15, 1792)
Melcombe, Baron
(b. 1691 -
d. July 28, 1762)
Also known as:
- George Bubb
- George Bubb Doddington
- Lord Melcombe
Melcombe, Lord
(b. 1691 -
d. July 28, 1762)
Also known as:
- George Bubb
- George Bubb Doddington
- Baron Melcombe
- Melmoth, Courtney (b. Dec. 25, 1749 - d. Oct. 4, 1814)
Melmoth, Dorothy (née King)
(b. Unknown -
d. 1761)
Also known as:
- Mrs Melmoth
- Melmoth, Mr (b. 1710 - d. May 13, 1799)
Melmoth, Mrs
(b. Unknown -
d. 1761)
Also known as:
- Dorothy Melmoth (née  King)
Melville, 1st Viscount
(b. April 28, 1742 -
d. May 28, 1811)
Also known as:
- Henry Dundas
Mendip, 1st Baron
(b. Dec. 15, 1713 -
d. Feb. 2, 1802)
Also known as:
- Welbore Ellis
Mendip, Lady
(b. April 11, 1723 -
d. Dec. 7, 1803)
Also known as:
- Mrs Ellis
- Mesmer, Franz (b. May 23, 1734 - d. March 5, 1815)
Metcalfe, Ellen (née Barton)
(b. 1734 -
d. 1775)
Also known as:
- Mrs Medcalfe
- Mezeray, Francois Eudes de
Mezieres, Marie-Catherine de Bethisy de
(b. 1743 -
d. 1794)
Also known as:
- Abbess of Parthemont
- Middleton, Anne (née Powell) (b. Unknown - d. 1760)
- Middleton, Conyers (b. Dec. 27, 1683 - d. July 28, 1750)
- Middleton, Mary (née Place) (b. 1707 - d. 1745)
Middleton, Sarah (née Morris)
(b. 1673 -
d. Feb. 19, 1731)
Also known as:
- Sarah Drake (née  Morris)
- Middleton, Thomas (b. 1742 - d. 1770)
- Miege, Guy (b. 1644 - d. 1718)
Miller, Sanderson
(b. 1716 -
d. April 23, 1780)
Also known as:
- Sanderson Trotman
- Milles, Isaac (b. Sept. 19, 1638 - d. July 6, 1720)
- Milles, Reverend Jeremiah (b. 1714 - d. 1784)
- Milton, John (b. Dec. 9, 1608 - d. Nov. 9, 1674)
Minto, 3rd Baronet of
(b. 1722 -
d. Feb. 11, 1777)
Also known as:
- Gilbert Elliot
- Moisey, Abel (b. 1715 - d. 1780)
- Molesworth, Frances (b. May 15, 1758 - d. July 7, 1829)
Molyneux, Isabella (née Stanhope)
(b. 1748 -
d. Jan. 29, 1819)
Also known as:
- Viscountess Molyneux
- Lady Isabella Stanhope
Molyneux, Viscountess
(b. 1748 -
d. Jan. 29, 1819)
Also known as:
- Isabella Molyneux (née  Stanhope)
- Lady Isabella Stanhope
- Mompesson, Mary (née Fotherby) (b. Unknown - d. Dec. 16, 1775)
Monck, Lady Isabella (née Bentinck)
(b. 1713 -
d. 0000)
Also known as:
- Lady Bell
- Lady Belle
- Monmouth, Duchess of (b. Feb. 11, 1651 - d. Feb. 6, 1732)
- Monro, John (b. Nov. 16, 1716 - d. Dec. 27, 1791)
- Monsey, Messenger (b. 1694 - d. Dec. 26, 1788)
Montagu, 1st Duke of
(b. July 26, 1712 -
d. May 23, 1790)
Also known as:
- George Brudenell
- Montagu, Barbara (b. 1722 - d. Aug. 19, 1765)
- Montagu, Caroline (b. Nov. 15, 1796 - d. Nov. 10, 1867)
- Montagu, Catherine (b. June 7, 1792 - d. April 6, 1865)
Montagu, Edward
(b. July 6, 1787 -
d. April 7, 1847)
Also known as:
- 5th Baron Rokeby
- Montagu, Edward (b. 1745 - d. 1752)
- Montagu, Edward (b. 1692 - d. May 12, 1775)
- Montagu, Eleanor (b. 1800 - d. July 26, 1847)
Montagu, Elizabeth (née Dashwood)
(b. 1740 -
d. June 26, 1832)
Also known as:
- Duchess of Manchester
Montagu, Elizabeth (née Robinson)
(b. Oct. 2, 1718 -
d. Aug. 25, 1800)
Also known as:
- Fidget
- Madonna
- Divine Madonna
- Mrs Montagu
- Montagu, Emily (b. May 31, 1803 - d. Nov. 24, 1832)
- Montagu, Francis William (b. July 31, 1788 - d. 1807)
- Montagu, Henry (b. Feb. 2, 1798 - d. May 25, 1883)
- Montagu, Jane (b. July 21, 1793 - d. Feb. 1, 1857)
Montagu, John
(b. Nov. 13, 1718 -
d. April 30, 1792)
Also known as:
- 4th Earl of Sandwich
- Montagu, John (b. Aug. 1, 1795 - d. Dec. 2, 1848)
- Montagu, John (b. 1744 - d. 1814)
- Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (b. May 15, 1689 - d. Aug. 21, 1762)
- Montagu, Lord Charles (b. 1741 - d. Feb. 3, 1784)
Montagu, Lucy
(b. 1679 -
d. July 12, 1720)
Also known as:
- Lucy Trevor
- Montagu, Mary (b. 1748 - d. 0000)
- Montagu, Mary (b. Jan. 29, 1799 - d. 1877)
- Montagu, Matthew (b. Nov. 23, 1762 - d. Sept. 1, 1831)
Montagu, Mrs
(b. Oct. 2, 1718 -
d. Aug. 25, 1800)
Also known as:
- Fidget
- Madonna
- Divine Madonna
- Elizabeth Montagu (née  Robinson)
- Montagu, Punch (b. May 11, 1743 - d. Aug. 17, 1744)
Montagu, Spencer Dudley
(b. April 11, 1807 -
d. 1882)
Also known as:
- Spencer Dudley Montagu
Montagu, Spencer Dudley
(b. April 11, 1807 -
d. 1882)
Also known as:
- Spencer Dudley Montagu
- Montagu, William (b. Oct. 10, 1789 - d. Jan. 15, 1815)
- Montagu, William-Augustus (b. 1752 - d. 1776)
Montagu-Dunk, George
(b. Oct. 6, 1716 -
d. June 8, 1771)
Also known as:
- 2nd Earl of Halifax
- Montague, John (b. 1655 - d. Feb. 23, 1728)
Montesquieu, Baron de
(b. Jan. 18, 1689 -
d. Feb. 10, 1755)
Also known as:
- Baron de Brède
- Charles-Louis de Secondat
- Montfalcon, Jean-Balthazar Azemar de (b. 1736 - d. 1790)
- Montgolfier, Jacques Etienne (b. Jan. 6, 1745 - d. Aug. 2, 1799)
- Montgomery, 7th Earl of (b. July 3, 1734 - d. Jan. 26, 1794)
- Montgomery, 8th Earl of (b. Sept. 10, 1759 - d. Oct. 26, 1827)
Montgomery, James William
(b. 1721 -
d. April 3, 1803)
Also known as:
- 1st Baronet Stanhope
Monthermer, Marquess of
(b. March 29, 1690 -
d. July 6, 1749)
Also known as:
- Viscount Monthermer
Monthermer, Viscount
(b. March 29, 1690 -
d. July 6, 1749)
Also known as:
- Marquess of Monthermer
Moore, John
(b. April 26, 1730 -
d. Jan. 18, 1805)
Also known as:
- Archbishop of Canterbury
- Moore, Mr (b. March 22, 1712 - d. March 1, 1757)
Moray, 9th Earl of
(b. Jan. 11, 1737 -
d. Aug. 28, 1810)
Also known as:
- Francis Stuart
- Mordaunt, Anastasia (née Robinson) (b. 1692 - d. 1755)
Mordaunt, Charles
(b. 1758 -
d. Oct. 21, 1735)
Also known as:
- 3rd Earl of Peterborough
- Mordaunt, Countess of Peterborough (née and) (b. 1692 - d. 1755)
- Mordaunt, John (b. 1696 - d. Oct. 23, 1780)
- More, Hannah (b. Feb. 2, 1745 - d. Sept. 7, 1833)
- More, Sally (b. 1742 - d. 1819)
Morgan, Caesar
(b. 1750 -
d. Jan. 10, 1812)
(b. 1707 -
d. 0000)
Also known as:
- Reverend Morgan
Morgan, Mrs (née Gipps)
(b. 1749 -
d. 1808)
Also known as:
- Mary Gipps
Morgan, Nanny
(b. Unknown -
d. 0000)
Also known as:
- Nanny Morgan
Morgan, Nanny
(b. Unknown -
d. 0000)
Also known as:
- Nanny Morgan
- Morgan, Penelope Dunbar nee (b. 1726 - d. Feb. 16, 1829)
Morgan, Reverend
(b. 1750 -
d. Jan. 10, 1812)
(b. 1707 -
d. 0000)
Also known as:
- Caesar Morgan
- Morgan, Thomas (b. 1671 - d. Jan. 14, 1743)
- Morley, Mr (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Morpeth, MP for (b. Jan. 2, 1781 - d. July 28, 1588)
- Morris, Mary (née Mordaunt) (b. Unknown - d. 0000)
- Morris, Matthew Robinson (b. April 6, 1713 - d. Nov. 30, 1800)
- Morritt, William (b. 1813 - d. April 13, 1874)
- Mortimer, Countess (b. Feb. 11, 1694 - d. Dec. 9, 1755)
Mortimer, Earl of
(b. Dec. 5, 1661 -
d. May 21, 1724)
Also known as:
- Robert Harley
- 1st Earl of Oxford
Morton, 16th Earl of
(b. 1761 -
d. July 17, 1821)
Also known as:
- George Douglas
Morton, Mrs Mary
(b. 1706 -
d. Feb. 14, 1791)
Also known as:
- Mary Savile (née  Pratt)
- Mrs Mary Wallace
- Mostyn, Cecilia Margaretta (née Thrale) (b. Feb. 8, 1777 - d. May 1, 1857)
Motte, Admiral de la
(b. July 1, 1720 -
d. June 10, 1791)
Also known as:
- La Motte-Picquet
Motte-Picquet, La
(b. July 1, 1720 -
d. June 10, 1791)
Also known as:
- Admiral de la Motte
Mountedgcumbe, 1st Earl of
(b. March 3, 1720 -
d. Feb. 4, 1795)
Also known as:
- George Edgcumbe
Mountnorris, 1st Earl of
(b. Aug. 7, 1744 -
d. July 4, 1816)
Also known as:
- Arthur Annesley
- Moysey, Abel (b. Aug. 18, 1743 - d. Sept. 24, 1831)
- Muir, Thomas (b. Aug. 24, 1765 - d. Jan. 26, 1799)
- Mulgrave, 2nd Baron (b. May 30, 1744 - d. Oct. 10, 1792)
- Mulso, John (b. 1720 - d. 1791)
- Murray, Catherine (b. 1739 - d. 1791)
Murray, Charlotte
(b. Oct. 13, 1731 -
d. Oct. 13, 1805)
Also known as:
- Dowager Duchess of Atholl
Murray, David
(b. Oct. 9, 1727 -
d. Sept. 1, 1796)
Also known as:
- 2nd Earl of Mansfield
- Viscount Stormont
Murray, Frances (née Cairnes)
(b. 1733 -
d. March 12, 1820)
Also known as:
- Lady Clermont
Murray, John
(b. June 30, 1755 -
d. 1830)
Also known as:
- 4th Duke of Atholl
- Murray, Lady Elizabeth (née Finch) (b. 1704 - d. April 10, 1784)
Murray, William
(b. March 2, 1705 -
d. March 20, 1793)
Also known as:
- 1st Earl of Mansfield
Please note that all dates and location information are provisional, initially taken from the library and archive catalogues. As our section editors continue to work through the material we will update our database and the changes will be reflected across the edition.
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